Friday, March 11, 2016

Assessment Ch. Objectives

4.1 Discuss the role of assessment in the instructional design process, especially for distance education.

The role of assessment in the instructional design process is a corollary development of learning objectives. The assessment activities are matched to expectations and instruction is then based on assessment plans. When designing assessment measures one must focus on the cognitive domain.

4.2 Describe the characteristics of several types of assessment activities and the appropriate uses of each within a distance education environment.

One of the most important characteristics of a good assessment tool is that it matches the objectives which are also known as alignment, which indicates an acceptable degree of synchronicity among objects. Another characteristic is known as validity which is when an assessment provides an accurate estimate of learning gains. Another characteristic of a good assessment is clarity of expectations and it is referred to how easy the assessment is for the learners or others to understand. The most important thing is does the assessment activity measure learning gains and allow an accurate generalization of results beyond the immediate situation.

4.3 Implement practical strategies for assessing learner progress in a distance education course.

When wanting to implement some various assessment strategies to improve the effectiveness of the distance education environment these strategies are helpful: ongoing and non graded assessment measures. Ongoing strategy is known also as embedded it is when assessment activities are woven into the fabric of the instructional process to see if the student progress doesn’t represent a student’s threat. The purpose is to monitor progress toward intended goals in a spirit of continuous improvement. When using non graded assessment one must assign scores to massive amounts of students work. Balancing flexibility and structure is when students have the opportunity to prepare their assignments on their own time. It should be based on the maturity of the student.

4.4 Discuss issues related to academic misconduct and describe how cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of unethical behavior may be preempted or alleviated in a distance education course.

Many institutions have their own policies stating their academic misconduct. The most important thing we know as students and educators is that cheating and plagiarism are serious problems. Plagiarism is when one has the intent to claim someone else work as their own and misuse sources. Of a\the technologies that have influenced them both the most frequently one used is online entrepreneurs which sell papers that are already formatted for easy submission. In distance education programs cheating is when students submit assignments, participate in discussions or request the instructor assistance with no face to face identity. Technological measures cheating on test includes randomizing the order of test items. A Media report of unethical behavior in politics, business, journalism and other professions says “it’s not a big deal” in fact leads to dishonesty in people. An honor code is a great way to eliminate cheating.

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