Friday, March 11, 2016

Internet Based Definitions

1.     The most important part of the framework is provided by a worldwide configuration of high- bandwidth networks call backbones. Backbones can be regional, national or even international in coverage for examples Sprint and Verizon.

2.     Distributed Learning indicates how the learner centered educational model is being implemented and taught in today’s school.

3.     Advantages of Online Learning are when online course materials once fully developed is easy to use and update providing students with access to current information.

4.     Limitations of Online Learning states that copy right violations on course web pages that are not password protected is in view for other people to see or use.

5.     Web2.0 technologies include so many different areas such as blogging, wikis, social bookmarking, social networking and virtual worlds.

6.     The Internet is not a single, clearly defined entity, but a meta-network of interconnected networks that share a common language, TCP-IP (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol).

7.     E-Learning Adoption cycles is categorized into four distinct cycles which are enhancements to traditional course programs, course management systems, imported course objects and new course configurations.

8.     Open-source software is a free but licensed application and available for anyone to use.

9.     It is very important for students as well as educators to know that when using the internet for educational purposes, because it has no quality control mechanism to ensure that information found on the internet is accurate and unbiased anyone can view it freely no matter what age.

10.                        A protocol is an electronic language that computers use to communicate with one another and exchange data.

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