Friday, March 25, 2016

Evaluating Teaching and Learning at a Distance Ch. Objectives

4.1 Differentiate between research and evaluation.

When differentiating between research and evaluation one must know what they mean. Research produces generalizable knowledge, scientific inquiry based on intellectual curiosity, advances broad knowledge and theory and controlled setting while evaluation judges merit or worth, policy & program interests of stakeholders paramount, provides information for decision-making on specific program, conducted within setting of changing actors, priorities, resources, & timeline.

4.2 Define evaluation.

Evaluation, as contrasted to research is the systematic investigation of the worth or merit of an object. Evaluation of programs is used to identify strengths and weaknesses well as the benefits and drawbacks of teaching and learning online. There are five steps when discussing evaluation and distance education which are reactions(did they like it), learning(did they learn it), transfer(will they use it)results(will it matter) and return on investment.

4.3 Explain the six categories of evaluation information: in measures of activity, efficiency, outcomes, program aims, policy, and organizations.

The six categories of evaluation information are measures in activity (questions such as how many courses were produced and how many students were served), efficiency (questions include how many students successfully completed the course and what was the average students workload how much did the course cost), outcomes (measures of adequate learning and documenting the borrowing and use of courses and course materials), program aims (surveys of learners), policy and organizations (evaluation).

4.4 Describe the AEIOU approach to evaluation and its five levels—

accountability, effectiveness, impact, organizational.

Accountability is defined as did the project planners do what they said they were going to do, effectiveness is how well done was the project, impact  is did the project, course, or program make a difference, organizational context which means what structures, policies or events in the organization or environment helped or hindered the project in accomplishing its goals and unanticipated consequences which is what changes or consequences of importance happened as a result of the project that was not expected.

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