Thursday, February 25, 2016

Teaching and Distance Education Module 7 Summary

Teaching and distance education is important. As a life long learner the process of learning never stops. Teaching  methods should be based on the characteristics of the teacher, student and content. Students need to have a understanding on how their participation is very important. When selecting a variety of techniques it is important to create an interesting instructional environment. Communication is very important to ensure a successful distance learning experience. It is very important to get feedback in the learning process. Students need to understand that they are able to function successfully within a course.

Teaching and Distance Education Module 7 - 3 URL's

This article was informative because it gave the ten (10) principles of effective online teaching: best practices in distance education.

This article was useful because it gave detail on the group is comprised of faculty and administration  and can assume a different representatives, and states that collaboration is the purpose for problem-solving form and function in distance education.

This article focuses on modes of distance education, models of distance education for teacher training programs and methods or best practices that is suitable in distance education.

Teaching and Distance Education Definitions Module 7

1.      The instructor needs to determine the appropriate type of instructional methods used to deliver the right type of information to the students.

2.      Communication is an important component of ensuring successful distance learning experience.

3.      Learning styles understand the qualities of other students in the class.

4.      When teaching at a distance the role of the instructor is often that of the facilitator rather that than presenter .

5.      Just in time learning is a phased used by most trainers in a private business.

6.      Distributed learning is associated with face to face interaction that involves technology based learning experience .

7.      Structure  is the most important thing to help students become easily involved in the learning process.

8.      Students need a clear understanding of their own responsibilities on this learning process.

9.      The syllabus is the most important  type of communication in distance education.

10.  Teaching methods should be chosen based on the characteristics of the instructor, student, content and delivery system.  

Teaching and Distance Education Module 7 Prezi

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Student and Distance Education Summary

As a lifelong learner, this chapter allows ongoing learning. Distance education is designed for individuals with busy schedules to still obtain an education. It is assumed that adults are more interested in the learning process because are motivated to the learning process. As a lifelong learner it is important that students are in the correct educational setting. The more the distant education instructor knows about each student in the class the better the learning process will be. In the learning process the distant learner must complete all assignments in a timely manner. Communication is a huge factor in the distance education process, the instructor and the student must keep in touch at all times.

The Student and Distance Education Ch. Objectives

4.1 Identify characteristics of the distant student.

Some characteristics of a distant student is having a strong academic self-concept, fluency, communication skill are a must for distant student. A distant learner should collaborate learning skills, possessing an internal locus of control, self-directed learning skills and exhibits a need for affiliation.

4.2 Explain responsibilities of the instructor for ensuring student participation.

The responsibilities of the instructor are to organize the course such as the class schedule, grouping for activities and expectations for interactions.

4.3 Describe the responsibilities of the student in a synchronous class.

A key to instruction in a synchronous environment is that the learners cannot remain passive for a length of time. Students should use a variety of teaching strategies. The responsibilities are project management such as project schedules and vendor interactions with the instructor; administrative assistance which is scheduling meetings and application analysis and application administration which means to perform project work.

4.4 Describe the responsibilities of the student in an asynchronous class.

 In an asynchronous classroom the student responsibilities are to support learning and allow more time for student reflection, collaboration, and student to student interactions.

The Student and Distant Education 3 URL's

This article was very informative because it not only gave me the role of the student it explained it thoroughly. Research has shown that the responsibilities and requirements of completing an online class are not readily apparent to those taking an online class for the first time (Garrison, et al. 2004).

It is very convenient.  It is known that distance education is portrayed as possessing more potential and thus more promise in promoting student interactions and enhancing learning outcomes by utilizing advanced computer technology.

In terms of the roles of students and teachers; there are three types of interaction   within distance education. The terms of interdependent, distance and interaction should interplay each other’s in the process. These three types of interaction were labeled as learner-content interaction, learner-instructor interaction, and learner-learner interaction

The Student and Distance Education Definitions

1. In an asynchronous classroom setting knowledge of the students in the class they might not meet with another it is very important to design and deliver.

2. The traits of the distant learner come in all ages, as more technology come available more students become involved.

3. Etiquette is when all students must be sensitive to all members in the class. The tone of responses means that it is unacceptable to use inappropriate language.

4. When knowing about the background of students a successful learning environment takes place.

5. P-12 learners are young learners who provide challenging situations to a learning environment.

6. Humor is one of those communication aspects that create a huge challenge.

7. All students bring to a class experience with learning when it comes to adults it is very important to consider all prior knowledge.

8. When trying to have a successful learning environment it is important that students are in the correct educational setting.

9. The instructor must take full responsibility for learning about students.

10. In a synchronous classroom setting it is similar to the on campus, face to face arrangement familiar to many students.  

The Student and Distance Education Prezi Module 6

Instructional Design for Distance Education Summary

As a change agent the object is to collaborate with other members of the professional community to help create a student centered learning environment with instructional design it is essential to plan and organize. One key to effective and efficient distance education is correct instructional design which is a systematic process that applies research- based principles to educational practice. If the design is effective the instruction will be effective.

 The challenge of education is to be able to match the content of the subject to the needs of the learners. What is essential in deciding which strategy or strategies to employ is the issue of engaging the learner. The emphasis is to be able to keep the learners engaged in all active learning so they will stay tuned into the class and stay focused.

Instructional Design Module 5 Ch. Objectives

Elboni Todd

Module 5 Ch. Objectives

4.1 Explain why it is important to plan ahead when teaching at a distance.

 You must consider elements such as the content, the nature of the learner, the process by which the learning will takes place, and the means for accessing the learning experience.   The educator must make decisions that will affect all aspects of the system this will help both the learner and the educator.

4.2   Describe a systematic design process for instructional design.

It is called a field of study; it is a way of thinking and solving problems. The component includes the learner, the content, environment which includes all forms of technology. The process is evaluation and evaluation leads to revision of instruction and must interact both efficiently and effectively.

4.3   Describe the types of learner information to be collected for planning.

The learner’s background, educational expectations, characteristics, or unusual learning needs that may require or benefit from specialized instruction, it is also important to know the number of students in the class most importantly is how students will interact with the information.

4.4   Explain the decisions about content that need to be made.

It needs to relate to the rest of the curriculum. The time constraint is very important to this process. The concepts, knowledge and specific skills need to be identified as well as time, goals and objectives for instruction.

4.5 Explain why it is important to examine teaching strategies and media.

It gives the instructor the opportunity to gain and understanding of how the learners perceived the class experience. It is important to employ the issue of engaging the learner.

4.6 Discuss how technology and resources influence the distance learning environment.

The type of setting, the basic operation of the equipment, it can reflect on the lesson quality, the outcomes and the plans for subsequent lessons. It is important to know what type of resources are available and what will they have on hand. It is important to know the quality of the instructional setting.

4.7 Discuss the literature dealing with “best practices.”

The correct instructional design is very important. Correspondence study; the rise of the distance teaching universities; and the use of analog mass media and the widespread integration of distance education elements into the most forms of education, technology and communication. Good teaching methods, interaction, teamwork and make all four media available to teachers and learners. Balance and variety with economy is a huge part of dealing with the best practices and making sure education technologies are flexible.

4.8 Design a course using the Unit- Module-Topic model.

A unit is a huge part of the body of knowledge that represents a major subdivision of a course’s content. Assessment, the content and the instruction/teaching is part of the model. Modules can have three to five topics such as readings in the text, videos, audios and recorded presentations and synchronous chats with content experts.

4.9 Describe the process for assessment of learning?

The process includes course management which is the syllabus, assignment instruction and learning objectives; readings, content presentations, course communications, group project space, student assessment, digital drop-box for assignment submission, course evaluation and course and system statistics.

Instructional Design - 3 URL's

Elboni Todd

Module 5

3 URL’s

This article was important because it collaborated with the chapter stating that learning styles do not impact how students interact with media and methods of instruction, but do affect satisfaction with other learners.

This article was important because it gave an in depth and the steps on how to map out a course development project. The steps are determine learning objectives for each unit or topic of instruction, develop course content, develop practice, homework activities and lastly evaluating learning and determine assessments.

This article was important because it gave insight to instructional design and what is stating that these questions must be answered to determine what the instructional design is what is the need for the educational program, what are the goals and objectives, who will be the learners, what will be the content, what teaching methods and media will be used and how will learners be assessed  and how will the course or lesson be evaluated with a view to improvement.

Instructional Design for Distance Education 10 words or phrases

2) Select 10 words or phrases from the chapter that were significant to you related to “INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION”.  Write, in this section, each word/phrase with the definition, written in your own words, and post to your blog and webpage.

1. Teaching at a distance requires planning and organizing.

2. Distance education is an important approach to responding to the growing pluralism of learners’ backgrounds, characteristics, or unusual learning needs that may require or benefit from specialized instruction.

3. How students approach learning is as important as how well they can function in the classroom.

4. Time constraints refer to the actual online time for delivery, which is limited and inflexible.

5. Orienting Context refers to the students’ reason for being in the course.

6. Instructional Context addresses the learning environment.

7. Threaded discussion is when instructors post questions related to readings, viewings, and/or listening to assignments, and then students can post their answer.

8. Taking the time to develop good visual will enhance the quality of all learning experiences.

9. When it comes to goals and objectives for instruction the challenge of education is to match the content of the subject to the needs of the learners.

10. During the planning process educators need to take the time and energy in creating good information for students.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Technologies for Distance Education URL's

This site is important because it gives insight on technology and how you can access in education is also an important social issue. Technology-mediated teaching and learning permeate all grade levels and locations.

Teleconferencing is provided using a variety of communication technologies such as satellite, microwave, and Instructional Television Fixed Service(ITFS). Services include producing, hosting, or broadcasting satellite downlinks, uplinks, or 2-way teleconferences to a number of locations. Computers can interface with the TV system for showing graphics or other visual aids and the Internet.

Computer Conferencing allows students and instructors to interact via a computer network. This interaction can be through e-mail messages, file transfer, chat rooms, real audio and video, and others. With the fast progress in computer technology, computer conferencing is taking its place in educational technology. Computer conferencing provides good quality, easy to use, and cost-efficient way of interaction.

Technologies for Distance Education Summary

As a reflective practitioner I know that communication happens when learners interact with one another and the instructor. In today’s society communication is a must and should always be clear. I know that when the channels of communication are used properly in the work setting all instruction will be stated clearly. Most children respond to direct purposeful experiences not only because they are young but because they are learning new things daily.

Technologies for Distance Education Ch. Objectives

4.1 Describe systems for categorizing media used for distance education.

The channel of communication is the media that connects the teacher and the distant learner and it should be able to convey all messages. The cone of experience was introduced by Edgar Dale, and the purpose of it is to help organize the media used in distance education systems. Media is allowed because it gives the educator the opportunity to bring sights and sounds to the real world. It systems are symbolizing, observing and doing.

4.2 Explain the technologies used to connect teachers and learners for distance education, including correspondence, audio, video, and desktop systems.

 The technologies that used would be copiers, audio and video recording systems, telephones, computer network, and video transmission systems such as a microwave, camera and microphones. It is used to complete lessons, and work on assignments that need to be mailed out; guides the learner through a series of events; give and get feedback; and it can also reduce the need for special high cost equipment.

4.3 Explain the configuration of a modern distance education classroom.

It is very simple assess available instructional technologies, determine the learning outcomes, identify learning experiences and match them to the most appropriate available form of technology that is at hand and always prepare the learning experiences for online delivery.

Technologies for Distance Education Slideshare



                      Ch.4 Definitions

1.     Communication – Communication in a distance education environment happens when learners interact with one another and with their instructors.  communication, 

2.     Interaction- Feedback in the distance education systems.

3.     Channels of Communication- When the media used to connect the learner, teacher, and learning resource must be capable of conveying all necessary information.

4.     Correspondence Study- The simplest and longest form of distance education.

5.     Video Streaming- When a web user does not have to wait to download a file play. Instead the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives.

6.     Wiki- Thought to be a space designed to be created and edited by groups of persons.

7.     Telecommunication –n means to communicate at a distance. Electronic methods used to connect to the instructor, students and resource.

8.     Protocol- Is an electronic language that computers use to communicate with one another and exchange data.

9.     Disturbed Language- Illustrates how the learner-centered educational model is being implemented in today’s school and colleges.

10.                        Web logging or blogging- A form of online reporting and journaling that gives anyone an opportunity to publish on the internet. Can be excellent tools for student’s reflections about course content or reporting activities in a student reflection about course content.

Research and Distance Education Summary Module 3

Summary of  Research and Distance Education


Technology has had a huge impact on how teachers teach and how students learn. The importance of distance education is to help teachers and students. Technology has made it easier for teachers to teach knowledge to the students and for students to acquire it. The use of technology in schools has also made the process of learning and teaching exciting, because they are eager and motivated about the learning process. In recent studies it shows that technology in our society have led to a successful way of learning. Integration of technology in schools has changed today’s education and also the way teachers and students use their classrooms. These changes have both positive and negative impact on learning



Research and Distance Education Definitions

2) Select 10 words or phrases from the chapter that were significant to you related to ““RESEARCH AND DISTANCE EDUCATION””.   Write in this section, each word/phrase with the definition, written in your own words, and post to your blog and webpage.


1. Inferior Novelties are made at the expense of scientifically validated wisdom

2. Research and theory are at the foundation of credibility and quality.

3. Education guidelines focus on the quality of e-learning courses and programs.

4. Philosophy and theory of distance education should be included in the structure of distance education research.

5. There is continued interest in technology the focus is not on which medium is best but on what attributes of the medium.

6. Distant and traditional learners achieve about the same time.

7. Barriers of persistence include stress of multiple roles, time management, time management, uncertainty of the educational goal.

8. Situational barriers include poor learning environment and lack of time.

9. Motivation is an important key to distance education.

10. Education whether it be at a distance or not is dependent upon two- way communications.

Research and Distance Education Prezi

Definitions, History and Theories of Distance Education Slideshare


Research and Distance Education Ch.Objectives

Elboni Todd

Module 3 Chapter Objectives

4.1       Explain research dealing with learning outcomes in distance education environments.

 When it comes to research in distance education it is still on the media comparison type and this is because of the rapid development especially when referring to two-way interactive television systems. As technology expand higher student achievement will occur.

4.2       Explain research on learner perceptions concerning distance education.

It is identified as instructor vs. instruction, technology, course management, at-site management, promptness of material delivery, support services out of class communication. Distant learning satisfaction is very important in understanding the success of interactive telecourses. Student motivation and involvement is a must.

4.3       Explain research on learner attributes and other variables in distance education situations.

Research on learner attributes come in where students that have a more locus of control are more likely to achieve higher. Researchers found out that students with varying education levels differed in their study strategies, and concentration. Situational barriers included poor learning and lack of time. 

4.4       Describe research related to interaction in distance education.

 It is known that interaction is a primary component of effective distance education programs.  Interaction is including an instructional exchange, computer-mediated communication and social/psychological connections.

4.5       Summarize research on distance education

It is clear that distance education is an effective method for teaching and learning. Distance education learners usually have a better attitude when it comes to learning. The most important thing is each form of distance education technology has its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using their own learning experiences.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Life long Learner Module 2

1)                  Write a one page summary of – “DEFINITIONS, HISTORY, AND THEORIES OF DISTANCE EDUCATION ”as a  College of Education Conceptual Framework” -“LifeLong Learner” , how you will use what you learned from this chapter  and make changes in your workplace environment.

The definition of a life long learner makes continued learning and professional growth through their career. In my opinion we all are life long learners. As technology grows we are learning daily. As an educator, I am always learning something new either its  from my students, my peers or my children. Since I have enrolled in college I have learned so many things about technology that I never know. I can now use pinterest in my assignments and I am so amazed by voki. As a parent the best form of technology was manufacturing face-time.

Definitions, History and Theories of Distance Education 3 URL's

Elboni Todd
Module 2
3 Current URL’s Definitions, History and Theories of Distance Education

This URL was very interesting because history is a huge subject matter in the classroom setting and conversations. It has a huge impact on theories as well as technology. Technology is not how it was in the past it is taking over and fast.
 This site was very informative. It gave me  insight on how to discover the authentic literal meanings of historical  names through research and linguistic analysis.
It was important because it talked about technology and its role in education and the correct ways to select it and incorporate into learning process.


Definitions, History and Theories Module 2 Definitions

Elboni Todd

Module 2 Definitions

1. Separation of the teacher and student- teachers in one place, students in another; the second component of distance education.

2. Asynchronous distance education- teaching is offered and students have the opportunity to learn it at their pace.

3. Telecommunications Systems- refers too much as phone, internet, and television but is not limited to electronic media and communicating at a distance.

4. Virtual- the intention that at some times it might become actual (potential) the need to learn about technology without a teacher.

5. Independence study- the ability to learn an anyplace whether or not teacher/students are present.

6. Autonomous- is defined as learner determination

7. Nan autonomous – is defined as when the teacher is determined

8. Mechanization- the usage of machines in the work industry

9. Mass production- products of goods but in bulks

10. Change of function- switching up the role or position of the worker; in distance education change of function is a proven fact.

Definitions,Histories, and Theories of Distance Education Module 2 Chapter Objectives

Elboni Todd
4.1  Discuss the reason for different definitions of distance education.

The reason for different definitions when discussing distance education is because of the rapidly changing and diverse environment. New technologies and ideas are emerging daily when discussing student learning.

4.2  Describe the various definitions of distance education that have been offered.

There are so many definitions when defining distance education, such as separation of the teacher and learner, the influence of an educational organization, the use of media to unite the teacher and the learner, the opportunity for two-way communication and the practice of individualized instruction. The traditional definition only states that education is taking place at a different time and place.

4.3  List and explain the five main elements of the various definitions of distance education given by Keegan.

Keegan suggest that the need of  permanent separation of the teacher and learner which is known as no face to face interaction, the planning and preparation of learning materials which is known as studying private to teach yourself programs, the use of technical media that would be able to unite the teacher and learner and carry the content of the course, the use of two-way communication and the absence of the learning group which only means being taught as an individual.  

4.4  Give the emerging definition of distance education that is appropriate for the United States.

The most appropriate definition would be open learning because it is described as a new way of looking at education in a quickly changing and diverse world.

4.5  Outline the general history of distance education, explaining how it began with correspondence study and evolved into the use of electronic communications media.

When it comes to distance education from then till now it has had a rapid growth as well change. In the beginning was the correspondence study which was established in Germany, by Charles Toussaint and Gustav Langenscheidt. It was designed for adults with occupational, social and families. It then emerged into electronic communications which is having the knowledge to use all different types of technology.

4.6  Discuss thee mergence of distance teaching universities.

The universities shared many of the same qualities but the two were not identical in their mission or the teachings. The merge was decided to help both parties. A belief  of a economical use of educational resources by mediated teachings, the wish to support educational innovation, the need to further training in advanced level, wanting to serve both individuals and society by offering study sessions and to increase the offerings.

 Explain the various theoretical approaches to distance education, including theories of independence, industrialization, and interaction and communication.

They have been proposed to describe traditional distance education. The changes to these approaches are facilitated by new technologies.


4.8 Synthesize the various theories of distance education.

These are traditional theories emphasize that distance education is a fundamentally different form of education. The creation of like experiences for both the distant and local learner is emphasized.

4.9   Describe the emerging theory of distance education that relates to equivalence of learning experiences.

It is based on the capabilities of new technology, both the utilization and existing educational theory.


Explain Fordism, neo-Fordism ,and post-Fordism.

Fordist distance education is given and involves mass production of curricula for mass consumption which causes rapid changes in society, the Fordist paradigm can’t respond quickly, the post- Fordist the teacher have a higher responsibility to respond the needs of individual students and lastly neo-Fordist adapts to meet the needs of the society.

Foundations of Education Current Trends URL

Elboni Todd

This URL is very important because it describes the 21st century tools — in which includes computers, telecommunications, and audio- or video-based media as critical enablers of learning in a number of realms.

This site was very important and useful  to me because it gave insight on how to create the classroom with the latest forms of technology. Technology changes daily.

 This URL was very informative because it taught me how to integrate social studies in my daily curirculum. It gave me different ideas on what to use such as photos, documents, and media to demonstrate different topics and themes. I then can have the opportunity to organize.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Change Agent on Foundations of Education

Elboni Todd

5) Write a one page summary of – “FOUNDATIONS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION“as a College of Education Conceptual Framework” -“Change Agent”, how you will use what you learned from this chapter and make changes in your workplace environment.

As a change agent, I have learned so much from this chapter. Technology has taken over not only in the education field but everywhere. When referring to distant education you think of not being in the classroom or learning as a far. Distance Education is absolutely the best thing because it not only allows you to further your education but to do so while you maintain a busy schedule. The ability to interact with my fellow peers and create a structured learning community not only benefits me but the ones that I am a teaching.
Personal vision comes from within. It gives meaning to work, and it exists independently of the organization or group we happen to be in.

As distant technologies grow organizations are using more types of technology to advance.  In today’s society technology is everywhere just about every place you go now uses some form of technology. The more I learn about technology the more I will be able to teach my fellow peer. Distance education is much more than learning at a far, it is learning about the different things that surround. A great example is telemedicine in which it is medicine at a distance. Who would have thought that 10 years ago telemedicine would exist?  The idea of just thinking about the use of electronic information and communication to help provide and support healthcare shocks me.  As I look at the students in my classroom, even at three, four, and five years old they know about computers and other forms of technology and how to use it.  The number one rule is change; you must be willing to learn more in order to survive.

Foundations of Education 4.1-4.7 Chapter Objectives

Explain why students demand to learn at a distance even though they prefer to learn in the classroom with the teacher and their classmates.

Students demand to learn at a distance because they can go by their own pace or speed. They have the ability to learn where and whenever without any pressure. Students only prefer to go into the classroom when they want face to face interaction.

4.2       Define distance education.
Distance education nothing but online learning without any face to face interaction with the professor. It is a successful, easier way to obtain an education. Distance education is designed for people with busy lives who are working and have families. It has many definitions but one that sticks out is rapid technology.
4.3       Explain Coldeway’s quadrants.
Coldeway’s  quadrant is defined as four different ways in which an education is being offered.  It is known as same-time, same-place education; different-time, same –place; same-time different-place and different-time, different place. It is very helpful when you are distant learner.

4.4  Discuss Richard Clark’s “mere vehicles” quote as it relates to distance education.

He states that in distance education it will have a huge change when it comes to teaching and learning but states educators should not say that technology based learning should have a advantage or disadvantage when it comes to methods of learning.

4.5       Explain how Jim Finn might compare stirrups to distance education.

He was only stating that it is not people who changes technology, technology changes itself- stirrups was implying that it is easier and efficient.

4.6       Give examples of how distance education is being used in several locations of the world and in the United States.

In Turkey, its success rate is business administration and economics; China has developed a successful education program, a national radio and TV University system was established there; Africa qualified teachers and educational materials are inadequate so as of now it doesn’t have a wide impact in learning so they are at a basic level. In the European Union media is a huge success; The United States has a vast variety of all types of ways to incorporate distance education into the rapid force of technology.

4.7       Discuss telemedicine and relate the topic to distance education. Explain a vision for education and schooling in the future.

Telemedicine relates to distance education because of its communication revolution and electronic information. It is connected with the medical field and will improve and become more widely available in the future.

Foundations of Education Definitions

Foundations of Education Definition-
1.    Telemedicine- An extension party of the medical field known as medicine at a distance
2.     Mere vehicles- delivering information but not influencing a student educational process
3.    Remote consultation- process in which a health care provider (doctor or insurance company)  is seeking  information from one professional to another about you
4.    Malpractice liability- when a physician improperly gives you the wrong diagnosis and is at fault.
5.     Privacy confidentiality and security- a consent form that hospitals, doctors and lawyers gives you to sign stating that your information is safe.
6.    Payment policies- ways to pay health care bills, co pays, Medicaid Medicare and other insurance companies.
7.     FDA Federal Food and Drug Administration- manage devices used in telemedicine.
8.    Distance Learning- online learning.
9.    Same time different place- learning information at the same time but different locations and occur when telecommunications systems are used.
10.                       Internet Protocol- rules to send any type of information over the internet.