Friday, February 12, 2016


                      Ch.4 Definitions

1.     Communication – Communication in a distance education environment happens when learners interact with one another and with their instructors.  communication, 

2.     Interaction- Feedback in the distance education systems.

3.     Channels of Communication- When the media used to connect the learner, teacher, and learning resource must be capable of conveying all necessary information.

4.     Correspondence Study- The simplest and longest form of distance education.

5.     Video Streaming- When a web user does not have to wait to download a file play. Instead the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives.

6.     Wiki- Thought to be a space designed to be created and edited by groups of persons.

7.     Telecommunication –n means to communicate at a distance. Electronic methods used to connect to the instructor, students and resource.

8.     Protocol- Is an electronic language that computers use to communicate with one another and exchange data.

9.     Disturbed Language- Illustrates how the learner-centered educational model is being implemented in today’s school and colleges.

10.                        Web logging or blogging- A form of online reporting and journaling that gives anyone an opportunity to publish on the internet. Can be excellent tools for student’s reflections about course content or reporting activities in a student reflection about course content.

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