Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Student and Distance Education Ch. Objectives

4.1 Identify characteristics of the distant student.

Some characteristics of a distant student is having a strong academic self-concept, fluency, communication skill are a must for distant student. A distant learner should collaborate learning skills, possessing an internal locus of control, self-directed learning skills and exhibits a need for affiliation.

4.2 Explain responsibilities of the instructor for ensuring student participation.

The responsibilities of the instructor are to organize the course such as the class schedule, grouping for activities and expectations for interactions.

4.3 Describe the responsibilities of the student in a synchronous class.

A key to instruction in a synchronous environment is that the learners cannot remain passive for a length of time. Students should use a variety of teaching strategies. The responsibilities are project management such as project schedules and vendor interactions with the instructor; administrative assistance which is scheduling meetings and application analysis and application administration which means to perform project work.

4.4 Describe the responsibilities of the student in an asynchronous class.

 In an asynchronous classroom the student responsibilities are to support learning and allow more time for student reflection, collaboration, and student to student interactions.

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