Friday, February 12, 2016

Technologies for Distance Education Ch. Objectives

4.1 Describe systems for categorizing media used for distance education.

The channel of communication is the media that connects the teacher and the distant learner and it should be able to convey all messages. The cone of experience was introduced by Edgar Dale, and the purpose of it is to help organize the media used in distance education systems. Media is allowed because it gives the educator the opportunity to bring sights and sounds to the real world. It systems are symbolizing, observing and doing.

4.2 Explain the technologies used to connect teachers and learners for distance education, including correspondence, audio, video, and desktop systems.

 The technologies that used would be copiers, audio and video recording systems, telephones, computer network, and video transmission systems such as a microwave, camera and microphones. It is used to complete lessons, and work on assignments that need to be mailed out; guides the learner through a series of events; give and get feedback; and it can also reduce the need for special high cost equipment.

4.3 Explain the configuration of a modern distance education classroom.

It is very simple assess available instructional technologies, determine the learning outcomes, identify learning experiences and match them to the most appropriate available form of technology that is at hand and always prepare the learning experiences for online delivery.

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